Rita Poon, 41yrs
Hong Kong
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When I was young, I have always asked myself, “Who am I?”, “Why are my thought and my soul different from the passerby?”
When I got a bit older, I then asked myself, “What kind of life do I want?”
One day, I answered myself that I wanted a happy life.
As time passed by, just when I still couldn’t figure out what a happy life was, I have already found myself living an unhappy life.

I have a habit of writing a diary. Well, not really a diary, I write one every two or three years to record what have happened and my feeling during those years. I realized that no matter what had happened, my mood was more filled with negative emotion such as gloom, sadness and discontent, etc. I not only haven’t put my effort in realizing a happy life, but also actively working against myself and walking further away from happiness.

Ever since I was small, I had always been impatient, full of myself and bad tempered. But deep inside myself, I was confused and sensitive and my emotion could be easily affected by the others. As I grew up, though my temper was controlled, I had never really loosened up at the bottom of my heart. I always worked against myself feeling rough about my study, career and relationship. Moreover, due to my impatience, I always made decision on impulse without analyzing the situation from various angles. My life was passing without direction.

In February, 2010, I resigned from my job which I had worked for 7 years. As the same time, my relationship hit a dead end. When I lost my direction of my future and I was just so confused, always mumbling “I’m so lost”, coincidently (or not in coincidence), I came to Amita in May 2010.

I started to go to the mass attunement every week. Then, through attending classes, I finally had a chance to get answers to questions like how life was originated, who I am and why every of us has different thoughts and attitudes, etc.. Afterwards, the workers of Amita viewed my energy structure in my customization sessions. All my so-called “problems” could actually be solved through understanding of life with the usage of their products – GTI and PCCM – helping me face and solve my “problems” step by step. Each time after my session, I gain different levels of understanding towards life and myself, for example, my career and love life that were bothering me. I no more take a passive approach escaping from it or putting up with it, but understand it and face it with calm.

In the great life system, I am such an insignificantly small unit. So why don’t I try to let go of my ego? The light of wisdom of Amita shall be leading me to live with a colourful life.

[English Version Endorsed by Author]






我有寫日記的習慣,也不能說是日記吧,因為每隔2, 3年才會寫一篇,記下那幾年發生的事和心情,我發現無論發生任何事,我的心情都是偏向灰暗,憂傷,不滿等負面情緒。我不但沒有努力實現一個快樂的人生,還積極地跟自己作對,離快樂越來越遠。


開始參與每星期一次的mass attunement,然後通過上課學習,認識生命是如何開始的,我是誰,為什麼每個人有不同的思想和心態等等問題,我終於有機會知悉答案。接著在customization sessions時,他們觀察我的能量架構,原來自己各種所謂的「問題」,可以透過對生命的認知和了解,加上產品(PCCM, GTI)的輔助,幫我一步一步地面對和解決它們。每次session後,我對生命和自己都不同層次的理解,例如困擾著我的工作和感情路向,我不用逃避或忍耐的消極方法,而是理解後從容地面對!









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